Cave and Medieval town of Los Casares (Spain)

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Castilla-La Mancha


Casares Town and Excavation




FARO Focus3D S70

The Cave and Islamic town of Los Casares are located 3 kilometers north of the small town of Riba de Saelices (Guadalajara, Castilla-La Mancha). It is a zone of great natural beauty, crossed by the Linares river, and as a gateway to several valleys. The town sits on a hillside that is crowned at the top by a defensive tower built by Muslims around the 10th century AD. This tower allowed the control of the territory, especially the entrance and exit to the valleys located further north. The tower rises above the entrance to a cave that preserves an important set of Paleolithic paintings and engravings. Inside the cave it has been possible to find archaeological remains from different periods. The oldest belong to Neanderthals.

3D models made using FARO Focus 3D scan data and drone-based photogrammetry in Reality Capture software. Additional processing was completed in Geomagic Wrap, InstantMeshes, Meshlab, and Blender.