La Barbolla Church

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Castilla-La Mancha


Modern Age

The current church of La Barbolla (Siguenza, Spain), in baroque style, was built between 1744 and 1750, having been designed by the architect Antonio Martínez, who died in 1746, before seeing his work completed.

Previously there was another church, which due to being in poor condition had to be repaired in 1680. Possibly from this primitive church, which has completely disappeared today, comes a curious tombstone, decorated with two skulls and two tibias, which says: “Mrs. Librada Ruiz, wife of Mr. Domingo López, is buried here, died on June 23, 1591. Requiescan in pace.”

We want to thank the Diocesan Delegation of Cultural Heritage of Guadalajara, especially its cultural delegate Mr. Miguel Ángel Ortega Canales, for the facilities they have given us and for the interest they have shown in the project.