The Northern Necropolis and Arcosolia at Sagalassos, Turkey.
So-called arcosolia carved out in the rock face of the Northern Necropolis of Sagalassos, SW-Turkey. These Roman Imperial funerary phenomena mainly contained cremains. While inhumation gradually took over the ancient city’s other necropoleis, cremation remained the dominant practice in this part until the 3rd c. CE
This model was constructed from 1233 photos (Phantom 4 Pro [20mpx], Sony A7iii [24mpx], A7riii [45mpx], and Leica Q2 [47mpx]). The model was processed in Reality Capture. The data were collected by Global Digital Heritage in August 2019, as part of the University of Leuven Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project and supported by the Global Heritage Fund.