Tomb of D. Fernando de Arce, Sigüenza




Castilla-La Mancha


Sigüenza Cathedral

Photos / scans number


Tomb of D. Fernando de Arce (ⴕ 1522), located in the cathedral of Sigüenza (Spain), inside the Chapel of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. D. Fernando was the brother of D. Martín Vázquez de Arce (known as the Doncel). He held important ecclesiastical positions during his lifetime, being appointed bishop of the Canary Islands in 1513. 3D model made in Reality Capture using 4016 images. Additional processing completed in Geomagic Wrap, Meshlab, and Blender.

Citation: Peces Rata, Felipe Gil (1988): Paleografía y epigrafia en la catedral de Sigüenza, pp. 55.

This work is part of the collaboration agreement signed in 2020 between Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and Global Digital Heritage. We want to thank the Bishopric of Sigüenza-Guadalajara and the cathedral chapter, especially D. Jesús de las Heras, D. Miguel Ángel Ortega and D. Julián García, for the facilities and for the interest they have shown in the project.