PROJECT United States of America



The artifacts scanned under these projects represent the efforts of the Alaska Peninsula Project to catalog and analyze archaeological collections made from the early 1960s to 2014 in the region of the Alaska Peninsula and the western Gulf of Alaska.

The artifacts are presented as a result of the research conducted under grants NSF 9630072, NSF 9814086, NSF 9996372, NSF 9996415, NSF 1139266, NSF 1321411, NSF 0137756, NSF 1204020. H. Maschner, Principal Investigator. Supplementary funding from the USFS and BIA-ANCSA is also noted. These artifacts were scanned with either a Faro Edge Arm or a Minolta Vivid 9i. Processed in Geomagic or Polyworks. 2-8 photos were used for texture in Geomagic Wrap. Original digitizing work done at the IVL at Id. St. Univ. Subsequent processing and publication completed at Global Digital Heritage.

Collaborators on various aspects of these projects included the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the communities, councils, and Village corporations of Cold Bay, False Pass, Nelson Lagon, King Cove, Sand Point, Sanak Island, and Akutan, and The Aleut Corporation.