Castilla-La Mancha


In 2017, a strategic alliance was forged between Global Digital Heritage (GDH) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM), with the aim of digitizing the greatest possible number of artifacts, monuments and archaeological sites in the region of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). This alliance was reinforced by the signing of a collaboration agreement in 2020, which has made it possible to facilitate and accelerate the digitization work.

In recent years, numerous monuments and sites have been digitized in the provinces of Ciudad Real, Toledo and Guadalajara, including numerous campaigns in the Sigüenza district that World Heritage nomination is being prepared. More than 1,000 artifacts have also been digitized in different museums in the region. As a result of these efforts, in 2023 GDH received the Medal of Cultural Merit of Castilla-La Mancha.

Heritage Sites
Granátula de Calatrava
Pedro Muñoz
Fuente el Fresno
Corral de Calatrava
Ciudad Real
Salvatierra Castle
San Martín de Montalbán
Santa Cruz de los Cáñamos
Santa Cruz de Mudela
Solana del Pino
Carrión de Calatrava
Calzada de Calatrava
Argamasilla de Alba
Arenas de San Juan
Almodovar del Campo
Villanueva de la Fuente
Villanueva de los Infantes
Villarrubia de los Ojos
Aldea del Rey
Diocesan Museum of Ancient Art of Sigüenza
La Manola fountain of Daimiel
Molina de Aragon Castle
Almagro Plaza Mayor
Almagro Theatre (Corral de Comedias)
Cerro de las Cabezas Oppidum
Windmills of Campo de Criptana
San Bartolomé Church of Campisábalos
Saltworks of Saelices de la Sal
Los Cristianos Castle
Ciudad Real Bullring
Alameda de Cervera Neoclassical Bridge
Las Nieves Church and Bullring
Casares Town and Excavation
Calatrava La Nueva Church
Motilla del Azuer
Islamic Tower of Bujarrabal
La Barbolla Church
La Estrella Castle of Montiel
Rollo of Picon
Sigüenza Cathedral
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church of La Cabrera
Calatrava La Vieja Fortress and Town
Miraflores Castle
Toledo Gate of Ciudad Real
San Juan Bautista Church of Jodra del Pinar
Valdepeñas Museum
El Salvador Church of Cifuentes
Villarrubia jail
Carranque Archaeological Park
Spanish Army Museum
Las Virtudes Church and Bullring
Aragón Tower of Molina de Aragón
Ice Well of Villajos
Casares Cave
El Salvador Church of Carabias
Oreto Archaeological Site
Nuestra Señora de la Natividad Church of Pozancos
Picon Jail
Alarcos Castle
Vado Lancero Neoclassical Bridge
San Carlos Plaza Mayor
Santa Coloma Hermitage of Albendiego
Consuegra Dam
Alarcos Church
Calatrava La Nueva Castle
Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Church of Saúca
Hermitage de Nuestra Señora de Ocen
Salvatierra Castle
Saceruela Military Airfield
Consuegra Castle
Santa María de Melque Dams
Church of Santa María de Melque
Las Viñuelas Necropolis in Villamayor de Calatrava
Ciudad Real Museum
Castaño Windmill
Bridge of Carlos III in La Cabrera