Location: Museo Archeologico di Aidone, Aidone, Sicily, Italy
Catalogue Number: 57-3016
Description: Pottery (Reclining Figurine)
Data Capture Method: Photogrammetry
Processing Software: Reality Capture
Citation: The data for this project were originally collected as a joint effort between the University of Catania and CVAST at the University of South Florida (USF), with the collaboration of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). Dr. Mariarita Sgarlata and Dr. Herbert Maschner, Principal Investigators. We gratefully acknowledge the participation of the administrators of the Villa Romana del Casale and the Museo Archeologico di Aidone. The data have been transferred to Global Digital Heritage (GDH) for processing and analysis. Funding for this project, both at USF and at GDH, has been provided by the Hitz Foundation, Herbert Maschner, Principal Investigator.