Softstone vessel, Dibba, Sharjah, UAE. Incised decorations and flat base. 1st millenium BCE.
604 photos. Completely processed (aligned, scaled, modeled, cleaned, simplified, unwrapped, textured, meshed) in Reality Capture. Catalogue No. EXS 253 D81
United Arab Emirates
Sharjah Archaeology Authority
EXS 253, D.81
EXS 253 D81
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
100 mm
Foldio Lightbox
Softstone vessel, Dibba, Sharjah, UAE. Incised decorations and flat base. 1st millenium BCE.
604 photos. Completely processed (aligned, scaled, modeled, cleaned, simplified, unwrapped, textured, meshed) in Reality Capture. Catalogue No. EXS 253 D81